Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Corned Beef and Corned Tongue Sliders

We tried to make chips out of the taste buds we peeled off of the tongue. Again, we are losers and always are trying out new fun ideas. Unfortunately the picture is A LOT better than the chip. It was pretty fricking gross.

A close up of our Corned Beef Tongue Slider. Pretty damn sexy eh???

Corned Beef Brisket just out of the poaching liquid. You know how hard it was keeping our students at bay?? They're like ravenous wolves. Then again you would be too if you had smelled it cooking for hours.

Sliced Corned Beef Tongue. It ROCKED!! Even Chef Donovan said it was awesome. And he's Irish!!
Corned Beef poaching in the pot. We were making the milk rolls and had extra scalded milk so we figured, What the hell. Add it to the poaching liquid which was water, salt and pickling spice.